Kiwarrak State Forest


Last Update: 13/6/2014




Flat, Undulating


Open, Tight


Dirt, Wood

Trail type

Single track


Grannys, because your Granny could ride it?  Maybe not that easy  but it is a pretty straight forward trail if you don't mind a few twists and turns.

I first road this up from Red Hill Rd to the main car park opposite the tip but it was way more fun riding the other way.

From the car park head back toward Buckets Way (the road) and find the entrance.  The trail winds its way downhill adjacent to the road, but what might sound like a boring transport stage is actually quite fun as it twists and turns through the trees.  It's a far more enjoyable ride than just barrelling along the fire trail - regardless of your direction.

Easily ridden by anyone who can confidently turn a handlebar and squeeze a brake lever.

Other Kiwarrak State Forest Trails
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This website is brought to you by MTB Weekend Warrior Aaron Markie.

The idea of this website is to provide you with info that will help you prepare for your MTB adventure however I can't make any claim as to the up to date accuracy of this website

So if you have anything to add then,
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