Fred Caterson Reserve

Area between the BMX Track and Cemetery  

Last Update: 5/11/2013


Easy, Intermediate


Flat, Moderate




Dirt, Loose rocks on dirt, Rock, Roots

Trail type

Firetrail, Single track


This is a great section of bush with a large array of tight single trail sections (hence the lack of a trail length for this section). The climb from bottom fire trail to the top fire trail is pretty easy with plenty of trails running up and down or across the slope.

Most of the trails are tight with a few wider ones that traverse the slope.

There are plenty of small technical rocks to climb, ride or jump off.

You could easily spend an hour or so going through all the tracks in this section and if you want easy access then park in the small car park off Gilbert Rd just north of the cemetery.

A great location to take new riders wanting a technical step up.

Other Fred Caterson Reserve Trails
Other Trails

This website is brought to you by MTB Weekend Warrior Aaron Markie.

The idea of this website is to provide you with info that will help you prepare for your MTB adventure however I can't make any claim as to the up to date accuracy of this website

So if you have anything to add then,
let me know.